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We celebrate another year of high standards at Silchester Primary.

End of Year 6 results (Key Stage 2 data) for academic year 2021/2022:


School % pupils performing at or above expected standard

National average % pupils performing at or above expected standard
Reading 93 72
Writing 83 69
Grammar, punctuation and spelling 93 72
Maths 90 71
Reading, Writing, Maths combined 77 59

Average Scaled Scores

Subject Silchester Local Authority National
Reading 108.9 105.0 104.8
Maths 107.4 103.8 103.8

Progress Scores

Subject Silchester
Reading 2.34
Writing -0.44
Maths 1.95

Should you have any questions about the data, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Click below to see how we compare with other schools.

Primary Schools Performance Tables

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