Learning Overviews
We want to ensure that all of our children learn through a rich, exciting and engaging curriculum. Please look below to discover what your child will be learning in school this term.
Home Learning Grids
We encourage our families to support their children with additional learning at home. At Silchester, this consists of regular reading practice, weekly spellings and use of the TT Rockstars website (login details can be found in Reading Records.) In additional to this, we use home learning grids.
Home learning grids enable children to enhance their school learning with additional, fun home learning experiences. There are no set expectations, rather opportunities for you to support your child’s learning. There are a variety of different types of activities that will hopefully suit all learning styles. All activities are given at once, to enable you to choose when and how this fits into your family life. It also gives you the opportunity to plan and therefore negates the chance of a last-minute dash to build a castle etc! All home learning brought into school will be celebrated and rewarded with praise, house points and or stickers.
Parent Information
Please find documents below to support your child's learning both in school and at home.