School Meals
All children are encouraged to bring their own bottle of water to school.
All children in reception class, year 1 and 2 are eligible to have school meals free of charge from September 2014. Our school menu is attached below.
Your child may have school meals or bring packed lunches from home. The children will eat their lunch in the school hall and lunchtime supervisors will be there to look after them. If your child would like a combination of school lunches and packed lunches they can choose each morning. Please ensure that packed lunches offer a balanced meal and do not include any nuts or peanut butter.
School meals are provided by Caterlink. All meals are nut free and there is a vegetarian option each day. We are able to cater for special diets if required, please contact the school office in the first instance..
If you are on a low income and think you may be entitled to free school meals, please contact the school office in confidence. More information at
Breaktime Snacks
Every child is entitled to free milk until their fifth birthday. Older children may also order milk but there will be a charge. Please contact directly to register your child or to cancel their registration.
A piece of fruit or vegetable is provided for all children in foundation and key stage one during breaktime. Older children are allowed to bring in fruit or a healthy snack from home - no nut snacks please.